Types Of Oils

Oils are the basis for many favorite recipes and play a major part in various cooking techniques, from sautéing and frying to roasting and baking. While many recipes specify which oil to use, some don’t. And believe it or not, you may actually get a superior meal by experimenting with something other than what’s called for. Here’s an overview of the health benefits and best uses of common cooking oils. Keep scrolling below the image for more in-depth information on health benefits and how to store properly.

Soybean oil

Refined and Crude SOYBEAN OIL-Russia and Ukraine

Sunflower oil

Refined and crude SUNFLOWER OIL-Russia and Ukraine

Palm oil

Refined and Crude PALM OIL-Russia and Ukraine

Canola/Rapeseed oil

Refined and crude RAPESEED OIL-Russia and Ukraine

Corn oil

Refined and crude Corn OIL-Russia and Ukraine